Monday, August 24, 2020

Developing an Evaluation Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Building up an Evaluation Plan - Assignment Example The apparatuses that will be utilized in the assessment procedure incorporate polls, overviews, evaluation tests, and weight scales. This paper targets breaking down the strategies for assessing the venture and their results. Meetings are the principle technique for completing the assessment procedure. The meetings will be led up close and personal by the dietician and the physical exercise educator. This is on the grounds that these people have the information on the undertaking and they can decipher the non-verbal correspondence of the members (Napoli, Shah, Waters, Sinacore, Qualls, and Villareal, 2014). In the event that these coaches need assistance they will enroll people who will assist them with conducting the usage and assessment of the outcomes. The eating routine and exercise guides will likewise be engaged with the meetings since they know about the inquiries that will assist them with getting the ideal outcomes (Wadden, and Stunkard, 2004). The eye to eye meetings will help in deciding the perspectives and impression of the staff and members who will partake in the task. These perspectives and observations will at that point help to know whether these individuals are eager to stop or keep participating in the program. The meetings are effective in light of the fact that they help the exploration to get boundless, all around clarified, and nitty gritty reactions. The other effectiveness of meetings originates from the way that the questioners can peruse and decipher the non-verbal communication of the respondents (Kang, 2012). The second strategy for assessing the program is the utilization of surveys. Surveys are reports that contain questions that require composed reactions from the respondents. The polls will be controlled to the respondents every so often to discover how they will advance with the program. The records will contain both shut and open-finished inquiries to consider

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Dicrimination in the Workplace essays

Dicrimination in the Workplace articles Segregation in the work environment This paper will discuss segregation in the work place. There are numerous kinds of segregation in the work place. There is racial, strict, age, handicap furthermore, sexual. These will be shrouded in this paper. The explanation I pick this subject is since when I checked out the room of my group I saw that the vast majority of the understudies are minorities. As undergrads and hopeful pioneers of tomorrow segregation will assume a significant job in minorities lives as they search for business or are utilized with The primary kind of segregation I might want to discuss today is racial segregation. Shockingly this is the most widely recognized sort of separation in our nation. says that It is unlawful to victimize any representative or candidate on account of the people national starting point. Nobody can be denied equivalent work opportunity in view of origin, family, culture, or etymological qualities basic to a particular ethnic gathering. The following kind of segregation that I might want to discuss is strict segregation. Since September 11, 2001 this kind of segregation has taken focal point of the audience with all organizations, for the prosperity of our Muslim people.Coorporate America is typically more delicate to strict issues than some other. Because of laws passed by our U.S. government qualifying individuals for opportunity of religion. M.Staver says that notwithstanding pleasing ones strict conviction a business ought not separate dependent on ones strict conviction. A business ought not make oppressive principles, work practices, or business choices that spin around ones specific strict conviction. Age separation is likewise a typical practice in organizations nowadays. This issue is exacerbated by the way that a few managers are searching for more youthful ... <!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Atlantic City

Atlantic City Atlantic City, city (1990 pop. 37,986), Atlantic co., SE N.J., an Atlantic resort and convention center; settled c.1790, inc. 1854. Situated on Absecon Island, a barrier island 10 mi (16.1 km) long, Atlantic City was a fishing village until the construction in 1854 of a railroad that made it a fashionable resort for Philadelphians and New Yorkers. Atlantic City's chief industry remains tourism, with some 24 million visitors annually. The first boardwalk was built in 1870, and its present incarnation, lined with casinos, hotels, shops, and amusements, is 6 mi (9.7 km) long. The casino industry, which was legalized in 1976 and began in 1978, at one time rivaled that in Las Vegas, Nevada, but the industry contracted after legalized gambling became more common in neighboring states, and by 2016 the city suffered from significant financial problems and faced a five-year state financial takeover. Urban blight, which continued during the casino boom years, remains a problem. Atlantic City has a large convention center. The Democratic national convention took place in the city in 1964, and the Miss America Pageant was held there annually from 1921 to 2005. Absecon Lighthouse, in operation 1854â€"1932, attracts tourists. The first Ferris wheel was built in Atlantic City in 1869. The board game Monopoly, which makes use of area street names, was invented here in 1930. In 2012 the city suffered significant flooding from Hurricane Sandy. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography

Friday, May 22, 2020

Job Opportunities for Teaching English Abroad

Over the past few decades teaching English abroad has become a career choice for many native English speakers. Teaching English abroad offers an opportunity to not only see the world but to also get to know local cultures and customs. As with any profession, teaching English abroad can be rewarding if approached in the right spirit and with your eyes open. Training Teaching English abroad is open to almost anybody who has a bachelors degree. If you are interested in teaching English abroad to broaden the horizons, theres really no need to worry about getting a masters degree in ESOL, TESOL. However, it is important to acquire a TEFL or CELTA certificate when teaching English abroad. The providers of these certificates usually offer a basic month long course that teaches you the ropes of teaching English abroad. There are also online certificates to prepare you for teaching English abroad. If you are interested in an online course, you can take a quick look at my review of i-to-i aimed at those interested in teaching English abroad. However, many people in the profession feel that the online certificates are not nearly as valuable as certificates taught on site. Personally, I think there are valid arguments that can be made for both types of courses. Finally, one important aspect is that many of these certificate providers also offer help in job placement. This can be a very important factor when deciding which course is right for you in your efforts to begin teaching English abroad. For more information on certificates necessary for teaching English abroad you can refer to these resources on this site: Getting a Teaching Certificate  - TESOL Teacher CertificationESL Teacher Training and Certification ResourcesGetting Qualified as an ESL Teacher Job Opportunities Once you have received a teaching certificate you can begin teaching English abroad in a number of countries. Its best to take a look at some of the more important job boards to check out the opportunities. As you will quickly find out, teaching English abroad doesnt always pay very well, but there are a number of positions that will help out with housing and transport. Make sure to check out these ESL / EFL job board sites when you start applying for teaching English abroad. Before you begin looking for a job, its a good idea to take a while to understand your own priorities and expectations. Use this advice on teaching English abroad article to help you get started. - Probably the site with the most jobs posted. ESL Employment - Another fantastic resource. Europe Teaching English abroad requires different documentation for different countries. For example, if you are interested in teaching English abroad in Europe, its very difficult to get a working permit if you are not a citizen of the European Union. Of course, if you are an American interested in teaching English abroad and are married to a European Union member, thats not a problem. If you are from the UK and interested in teaching English abroad on the continent - its no problem at all. Asia Teaching English abroad in Asia generally, offers many more opportunities to US citizens because of high demand. There are also a number of job placement agencies that will help you find work in teaching English abroad in Asia. As always, there are some horror stories out there, so beware and make sure to find a reputable agent. Canada, UK, Australia and the USA Its been my experience that the United States offers the fewest job opportunities of any of the native English speaking countries. That might be because of difficult visa restrictions. In any case, if you are teaching English abroad in a native English speaking country, youll find opportunities abound for special summer courses. As always, rates arent usually that high, and in some cases teaching English abroad also means being responsible for a certain number of student activities such as field trips and various sporting activities. Teaching English Abroad Long Term If you are interested in teaching English abroad for more than just the short term, you should consider further training. In Europe, the TESOL diploma and Cambridge DELTA diploma are popular options to deepen your teaching expertise. If you are interested in teaching English abroad at a university level, a masters degree in ESOL is certainly advisable. Finally, one of the best long-term opportunities for teaching English abroad is in English for Specific Purposes. This is often known as business English. These jobs are often on-site in various workplaces and often offer better pay. They are also much harder to find. While teaching English abroad, you may want to move in this direction if you are interested in teaching English abroad as a career choice.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Juliets Gushing Speech in Romeo and Juliet Essay - 516 Words

The Gallop Apace speech is set in Romeo and Juliet just after Romeo has killed Tybalt. This has resulted in him being banished from Verona. This is dramatic irony because we as the audience know this but Juliet does not and continues to gush about their happy future together as she waits for him to return to her to consummate their marriage. This builds up the suspense as we wander what might happen when Juliet finds out that her newly wed husband has killed her dear cousin Tybalt. We know that everything in this speech is unlikely to materlise and therefore it foreshadows their impending death. This speech is a soliloquy which a speech made by one person is talking to themselves and/or the audience to analyse their own feelings. This†¦show more content†¦Phoebus was the sun god and Phaeton was his son. Phaeton wanted to drive his father’s magnificent sun carriage across the sky. Phoebus forbade this because he deemed it too dangerous, but his unruly son ignored and did it anyway. Phaeton loses control of â€Å"the fiery footed steeds† and crashed tragically killing himself and scorching the earth. This foreshadows the lover’s death and hints that when they do die it will affect many people in many ways. The contemporary Shakespearean audience is a lot more likely to understand this reference then a audience today so they would understand this and what it implies. Throughout the speech there are constant references to night. Night is normally associated with a negative conations because especially in the Tudor times but Juliet is referring to it in a positive manner. She sees it as the â€Å"love-performing night†. This juxtaposition is due to her strong passionate feelings for Romeo and her want (or as she would see it, need) to consummate their marriage. This need is emphasized with the constant use of imperatives. â€Å"Come† â€Å"Give me† and â€Å"Bring† are all examples of these. They show the urgency Juliet feels to see Romeo. Many metaphors are also used. Juliet talks about â€Å"cutting Romeo out in little stars† so she can keep him forever. There is also a lot of falconry and ethereal imagery used. The falconry refers to Juliet’s need to control and be able to summon Romeo at will. â€Å"Hood my unmann’d

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Management Planning and Ethics Free Essays

First American Guard Services Company provides unique security services to all our clients. To maximize on our services, the company operates round the clock to ensure all the customers’ requirements are met.   Our core values are innovations, competence and reliability. We will write a custom essay sample on Management Planning and Ethics or any similar topic only for you Order Now    The company strives to offer quality services, professional development and high ethical standards.   Our team is highly committed to understand customers’ expectations and solve all safety problems.   The services offered not only will they accommodate all the clients’ needs but also exceed their expectations. (Francesco, 2006) Organizational Structure First American Guard Services is made up of qualified and professional team.   The company is under the Chief executive officer, the Vice president of company operations and Vice president of marketing and Finance.   The Chief Executive Officer manages the whole company and holds the final word.   The VP is in charge of departmental operations and the second VP is in charge of marketing and finance. The planning Function of the Management To ensure the smooth flow of all the activities within the company, the company has decided to embark on management planning and ethics plans to harmonize all the plans laid out.   The management will streamline legal issues, ethics and corporate social responsibility and how it impacts the management and business planning.   All the issues will enhance proper communication, accountability and clarify the vision of all the plans.   The corporate social responsibility will broaden the perspectives of communications at the corporate level within the management so that sound policies can be made. The management consists of the CEO, and the two VPs (Francesco, 2006) Legal issues are vital if any organization must perform well.   The legal issues affect the management since they are responsible for laying out rules and regulations that staff members are expected to adhere to.   First American Guard Company’s management will evaluate all the processes to improve the performance of the management.   The Chief executive will lead the team by initiating workshops and seminars whereby they will be exposed to management courses.   The courses will enhance ethical standards and adhere to the law. (Francesco, 2006) Legal issues, ethical factors as well as corporate social responsible are interrelated since they affect performance of the management and ultimately output of the organization. (Francesco, 2006) Legally, there are rules stipulated by the law that businesses must follow.   The rules determine the types of decisions and plans made at the management level.   Some of the legal issues will determine the quality of services offered by First American, to ensure they meet the standards set by the law.   Despite all the innovations, that the management hopes to come up with, they must be within the law.   On the other hand, ethics are designed by the company, that is, code of ethics indicating the conduct and organizations expectations of all the employees.   The ethical infrastructure will support the effective implementation of ethical responsibility and corporate strategies.   (Francesco, 2006) The ethical training will be directed to the first American Guard service team, so that the members can make use of moral reasoning tools so that questions related to ethics and corporate activities are properly addressed.   The image of the management relies on the code of ethics.   Ethical standards set by the company are usually the crucial tools which enable the management carry out corporate, social and ethical responsibilities.   The function in essence is beyond legal requirements. (Francesco, 2006) The corporate social responsibility will however consider the international standard as well as the best practices. (Francesco, 2006) Conclusion According to many writers, the social responsibility of any business must have ethical responsibilities.   First American Guard Services Company has social responsibilities which will further be subdivided into ethical, legal and economic.   In addition, the ethical responsibilities of the company are parallel to the legal issues. (Francesco, 2006) The management function will therefore revolve around harmonizing all the issues concerned, to ensure all the business plans, implementation adhere to the management function.   This is because, all legal, social and ethical guidelines, determine the policies that the management will formulate and who the implementers will be. (Francesco, 2006) It is important to note that, most social responsibilities are not clear and are more or less an assortment of legal and moral responsibilities, vested interests and some moral ideals.   This package however, inhibits the managements to consider other ethical responsibilities of the company.   This means that if the company trades on ideals, corporate social responsibility myth diverts the attention from the duties of the management. (Francesco, 2006) References Francesco, P. (2006) Developing Corporate Social Responsibility, Edward Elgar   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Publishing.             How to cite Management Planning and Ethics, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Willem de kooning an Example by

Willem de kooning Willem de Kooning is a renowned American painter though born in Dutch. He started his work in a firm of commercial artists and decorators in 1916 during which he was also attending evening classes at Rotterdam academy of fine arts and techniques. He lived at the time of Abstract Expressionism (an American art movement) during World War II and so his painting style was referred to as action painting or Abstract Expressionism. This was a time when most European schools used anti figurative aesthetics. Need essay sample on "Willem de kooning" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Most of Willems paintings were more focused on women figures. His paintings caused a lot of sensations unlike his colleagues who painted abstractly with blatant techniques and imagery. After resigning from the Works Progress Administration where he had worked for two years and won a Logan medal of arts, he dedicated his time to creative work as means of supporting himself. He was able to work for the easel painting and mural divisions. He majored on the male figures with the inclusion of colored abstractions. From the name of this movement, most of the paintings were more of rebellion and anarchy. During the period between 1930 and 1950, the US government was offering sponsorship for artists and Willem was assigned the job of painting murals. In his work he combined a lot of geometrics and figurative. He was quoted saying its quiet absurd to make a human image using a paint when you think about it but rather more absurd if you dont do it. This quote greatly contradicts his works which were more based on images of human beings. For instance, Two Men Standing, Women 1, Women And Bicycle, Two Women In The Country, among others. He painted women in the early times of the 1940 and most of this pictures expressed vulgarity which were derived from the objects in the studio where he frequently worked. He would say that art never makes him happy and yet he spent most the years between 1950 and 1955 in painting women figures (Lieber, E, 2000). Another statement that clearly depicts this contradiction with his works was spiritually am wherever my spirit allows me to be, I dont paint to live but I live to paint. Even though his statement expressed dissatisfaction with art work, his action in continuing with it contradicted that. In his figures, he drew women with exaggerated features such as protruding breasts, large hips, using the pencil and pastel drawings.Even though he claims that the work of artists is not to put order on the chaotic nature but rather to put order in them, he occasionally produced some abstract work. Most of his works that were purely abstractions included a Door to the River, Bolton Landing, which was more related to the landscape than to human figures. This deviation in his works is actually attributed to the influence of his early works in women paintings with lots of colorations evident in the landscape. He later turned to sculpture and made a number of works which were later casts in bronze. The greatest mark of his works is aligned to ambiguity in the complex figures. The overlap in the figures of the background caused them to appear as if they are in the foreground then he would overlap them with dripping lines thus making the whole area appear in the background. Such ambiguities in drawing do not at all express order as he claims to be focused on (Lieber, E, 2000). Though he frequently changed his styles in painting he remained more abstract. As he progressed in his works, he increased the color use and the dripping lines. The overall paintings of de Kooning numbered to seventy six. He happened to be so much occupied with the recurring body features such as the eyes, the ears, and the breast portraying a lot of mixture of the contemporary styles and imagery with the tradition of nudity. His paintings are majored on one specific part of the image thus driving the attention of the viewer to the focused part. His period of art work is characterized by oscillations between the less abstract works of human representation to the abstract representations of the land cape, between a relative confusion and a relative calm. He is renowned for his black and white painting which was as a result of his extreme poverty that hindered him from buying artists pigment. Most of his series of large abstractions were painted with black and white household enamels. Of these works are: Light in August, Black Friday which were black and thus painted white, whereas Zurich and Mailbox which were white and thus painted black. He would seldom return to realistic arts especially the portrait of his wife Elaine which he painted three years after they met. Though he greatly pioneered the era of abstract expressionism, his works caused a lot of sensation unlike his colleagues whose were mostly of abstractions with no realities. De Kooning used his ability for realistic drawing to make paintings for commercial and advertisement purposes. In his painting of the 1975s, he ventured again into abstraction with lots of vigor and he was able to produce a mass of paintings with no titles. Most of his paintings in this era were multicolored with the de Koonings curly lines with lots of preference to light colors. During this period, he chose the larger quadrangular canvass as his main formatting standard. The years between 1975 and 1977 were the happiest years and he felt like he could not miss painting though earlier he had said that painting doesnt make him happier or pure. The last years of his painting were marked by increasing productivity and though he frequently changed his styles he still remained abstract in his drawings. His drinking habit became a great threat to the continuation of his paintings as he became very forgetful and when he was taken for diagnosis, he was found with the Alzheimer disease. His last paintings became more and more controversial because they were more or less clean, sparse and slightly graphic. Some of his late paintings lacked mastery which was quiet evident in his earlier works. Reference: Lieber, E. (2000). Willem de Kooning: Reflections in the Studio. Harry N. Abrams.